Post 152 – In memory of Sierra

Post 152 – In memory of..


I would like to take  a brief moment in memory of our beloved pet, Sierra. 

Sierra had come to us back in 2008, she was a rescue pet who was 8 months to 1 year old when she came to us. They warned us she might have issues, but the only issue we found, was Sierra did not like to be left behind. She had separation anxiety. 

This issue wasn’t debilitating, but it did upset her to not have someone with her at all times. Having our other beloved pet Wyle seemed to help. They were best buds. When Wyle passed away at 14.5 years old Sierra became very sad. 

That was when we found Lucky our current newest family member. She is a huge lab and quickly bonded with Sierra. Once again, Sierra seemed happy to have a companion.

Sierra got to travel all over with us and she made the last huge trip out to Vancouver Island, BC. She got to walk in the ocean which she loved. Sierra loved the water. She even played in a few springs along the way, lapping up the water as she waded in up to her belly . 🙂 

We were at Winter Harbour for 2 weeks when Sierra sadly passed away. She did go quietly in her sleep at 6 am, Monday, July 22, 2019.

Our new employer, Greg was kind enough to allow us to find the perfect resting place for Sierra in the forest. 

We go to visit her often and even Lucky comes with us to say hello. We loved you dearly Sierra, we are glad you had such a great life with us.

Always in our thoughts. Sierra June 13, 2007 – July 22, 2019.

Joy and the girls
Our waterfall side picnic just inside the Manitoba border. Sierra on the Left, Lucky on the right.
Sierra wading in the ocean in Winter Harbour, BC with Lucky close behind her.


Sierra, one winter..
Travelling in the truck with her buddy Wylie. Sierra is on the left.
Listening to some tunes while snuggling up to Bill on his lap. She always thought she was a lap dog :).


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