Post 85: Midland Long Term Visitor Area (LTVA)

Midland LTVA

We have been here at Midland for a month now and enjoying every moment, each day the temperature is getting warmer and the days getting a bit longer.

In a previous post we reviewed the ghost town of Midland Calif. So much history there.

This post is meant to describe some of the interests and sights of the Midland LTVA.

There are not many RVs here, perhaps 15 to 20 here now, with a few coming and going each day. Below is a short video we took this morning

I’m still learning to fly the drone, but we hope to capture many more videos from the sky!

The nearest town is Blythe Calif. It is about 20 minutes from the LTVA. Blythe has several grocery stores, an ACE hardware store, many restaurants and expensive gas lol. Blythe has pretty much everything you need except a major department store.

Moon over the mountains

The mountains are an easy hike from Midland LTVA. If you drive to the north end of the LTVA and then it is about a one hour hike to the base of the mountains – although they are not 10,000 feet tall, they sure are beautiful. Bill and Lucky have been on walks around the mountains several times and they love the beauty.

Panorama view of the mountains

Panorama view

What’s up next?

This January 31, 2018, there is going to be a Super Blue Blood Moon. Hopefully we will get some photos of the event! Should be an awesome view from here with the skies being so clear.

Later this week we are going to see the Blythe IntagliosHopefully we will be allowed to fly the drone there so we can appreciate the large images on the desert floor.

Currently (we say currently because everyday brings new opportunities), the last planned trip will be to the CIBOLA National Wildlife Refuge Area, just  south of Blythe. The Colorado river runs through refuge, providing life sustaining water to its many inhabitants.

Here are a view fullsize pictures of the area. Hope you enjoy!




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