Post 127: Where did the summer of 2018 go?
Summer 2018 – GOING – Going – going – gone….
Wow, where did the summer go? It only seems like yesterday we returned from our maiden snowbirding trip and now the first day of school has come and gone and we are getting ready for the 2018 Canadian Thanksgiving!
360 Sprintcar Racing
This summer we didn’t do a lot of casual sightseeing, instead we decided to tour Ontario, Quebec and North Eastern United States with our middle son (Sean) as he competed in 360 sprintcar races! What a great time! We still saw lots of Country, Towns, Cities and villages. Met lots of great folks and competed at many racetracks; Cornwall, Granby, Drummondville, Plattsburg, Fulton, Can-Am, Brewerton, Land of Legends, Brockville, Fonda and Utica Rome to name a few! Most of the races we competed in were with the Empire Super Sprints.
A lone day-trip
One day Bill decided he was going to take some ‘down time’ and explore South Western Quebec, along the St Lawrence River, taking in the various sights and a few pictures here and there. He was east of Cote du Lac (Quebec) on Canal road. He came across an historic site that was interesting, a marina that had several sailboats moared offshore and a park that had interesting benches to sit and take the sights and peace and quiet in.
The most interesting scene Bill came across was a group of teenagers just plain old having fun! No cell phones, no computers, just kids being kids – something Bill had not seen in quite some time!
Here’s to the good ole days!