Post 37: Shopping in a tourist town, Lancaster, Ont


Lancaster, Ontario was where we decided to stop to do some shopping. We were not really looking for anything special. Just decided to see what was around and unique in this little tourist side of town.

We looked in several stores in this little hub of a tourist area and found ALL the merchants to be bilingual, friendly and very helpful. Some of the stores were quite reasonable and some were definitely looking for tourists ?.

Ault Kirktown Gifts was a lovely store that we had wandered into. A friendly staff  member  greeted us then  let us know that every thing was 30% off before we took a stroll through the delightful store.

Before we left, Joy found something she wanted ?. A little silver bracelet. It wasn’t expensive or very valuable, but the sentiment behind the bracelet meant a great deal to Joy.  Below are the words on the card which was attached to the silver bracelet.

Count your blessings

Count your blessings, instead of your crosses

Count your gains, instead of your losses

Count your smiles,  instead of your tears

Count your courage, instead of your fears

Count your health, instead of your wealth

Love your neighbor  as much as yourself.

After strolling around, Bill decided we needed to go the driving range and see if Joy liked golf. We purchased a couple of buckets of golf balls and the golf course provided us with clubs. We proceeded to hit a bunch of golf balls. Joy enjoyed it!

It has been a long time since Bill played golf.
Bill trying a little golf

There might be a game of golf in our future!


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