POST 1: Full time RVing, Our Maiden Voyage

Camper’s Corner

Our Full time RVing adventure started on May 12th, 2017, at Camper’s Corners in Dorchester, Ontario.

Camper’s Corners

Camper’s Corners website.

Campers Corners, near London Ontario
Campers Corners

We stayed at Camper’s Corner, until May 24th trying to figure out how to put a 3 bedroom home into a 31 foot Springdale trailer with 2 slide outs.

This took many trips back and forth to our storage area and a real test of our patience with what we truly wanted to keep and what we could learn to live without. Along with creative packing in small spaces and how to make tall cupboards more user-friendly.

Eventually we were ready for a maiden test run to Niagara Falls, Ontario.

We also would like to explain at this point why we are taking the time to share our new adventure with you. Every time we told someone, what we planned to do, they said, “Oh, I would love to do that”, or “You are so lucky” or “You are living the Dream”.

So we decided to share how it is done and to let people know, that if you are serious about Full time RVing, these are some of the steps and that it can be fun but it does have its moments of not so much fun lol.

Selling our home after all these years and going on the road was scary and exciting! But once we made the decision, it was surprisingly easy to get moving. We had the incentive, we just needed to work out all the details and pull it all together.

We will explain later how we finally made it on the road, but for now, we will begin with the first trip to find where the bugs were lol sort of speak :). Our Maiden voyage to Niagara Falls, Ontario.

Our rating for Camper’s Corners is 

CamPark Website. Niagara Falls, Ontario

Campark Campground, near Niagara Falls Ontario
Niagara Falls, Ontario


Having a Good Sam membership gives you many benefits and it is not that expensive to purchase. We found it gave us discounts on both of these campgrounds and discounts on gas at Flying J gas stations.

 Good Sam Club

Good Sam Clug, provides discounts at many campgrounds.
Good Sam Club


We discovered our New to Us vehicle needed new shocks as we bounced our way back from Niagara Falls.

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