Post 143: A Snails Trail Begins – Day 2

A Snails Trail Begins – Day 2

June 29th, 2019 we leave New Leskeard, On and continue on to  Thunder Bay. Today was a bit more challenging. There was only a 2 lane highway for most of the way and gas stations were few and far between. NOT ONLY were they few and far between but the prices were very high 🙁 . A liter of gas in most places was priced at $1.43 or $1.44 per liter.

A lesson learned

At one such gas station, Bill was told that it was a full service gas station and the guy took over. He was friendly enough. He was running from car to car filling them up then back to where he started.

Unfortunately as we were leaving, we heard a crunch. The gas cap had been on top of the tire and the fellow never replaced it or closed the door when he hung up the pump.  Sadly the cap was broken 🙁 .

There was enough left that Bill put it back on and we tried to continue on our way. On the way out, THE SAME GUY ran up to us and asked “Weren’t you getting gas?” Bill told him, “we just did and YOU filled the tank.” smh.

A kind man down the highway

Luckily for us, the next gas attendant had a gas cap under the counter and was quite happy to give it to us free.

Sites we saw along the way

Along side of  the road, we past a sign for the Terry Fox Highway of Courage. There was very little traffic, just people trying to pass when they shouldn’t. A lot of close calls again. The scenery wasn’t as pretty here as we had seen so far. Just tons and tons of very dense forest . We never even saw any animals, lol just a lot of MOOSE SIGNS!

Stop for the night

We stopped for the night at another Walmart in Thunder Bay. We were the only people there and it was relatively quiet.  The parking lot was not a bad size and shared it with a Metro food store and an LCBO lol.

Hearst, Ontario Visitor Center

We saw this fellow in a Hearst Visitor Center and just had to stop to take his picture lol.


Hearst, Ont
Found this at a Visitors Center in Hearst, Ont

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