Post 117: Magnolia Branch Wildlife Reserve, Al

Magnolia Branch Wildlife Reserve, Al

April 13th and 14th, 2018

Largest pine cones we have ever seen!

Magnolia Branch Wildlife Reserve, Al was a gem of a surprise in campgrounds. We had no idea what to expect because there were no write ups on this amazing place what so ever. As we left the high way and started to follow the GPS down these small country roads, turn after turn, we started to become a little concerned. Then we pulled into the front gate and met the two most friendlies ladies you could ever want to meet. The southern accents alone, made us smile. But then we most likely had accents to them lol.

Bill asked for a private site if they had one, and these two older gals winked at each other and said “Give them #40. They would enjoy that and the babies (our girls) can run and run and run then they could swim in the water lol.” Well, Bill and I both smiled and drove away blushing lol. We just didn’t want to hear our neighbours chatting or their music playing like we have heard recently in the last few places we had stayed in haha.

Finding our new temporary home

As we drove through this area, we fell more and more in love. The road was narrow and winding, but it was paved and offered lots to see along the way. Many informational signs were spotted. Such as names to various swimming areas and information signs saying that the water had been checked and it was safe to swim. OR Bill’s favorite, “DANGER, do no swim here, there may be dangerous animals present”  hahaha. Ok then, don’t have to tell us twice :).

Finally we started to pass campsites, watching the numbers, until we came upon ours. COOL..we had an end spot. One side was WIDE open with lots of land leading to the water and tall grass. Behind us was plenty of area for the dogs to run and then the water. The 3rd side were empty campsites, and the nearest neighbour was 3 or 4 campsites over.

Sweet! All around us were pine trees that smelled so good you couldn’t help inhaling the sweet scent of them. The ground was covered in pine needles and huge pine cones. We had to go and explore down to the waters edge before we could set up:). The dogs just loved this, they were allowed to run free without ropes for the first time in a long time.

Exploring around us!

Once we were set up, we decided to explore some more, so we took a walk with the girls. On leashes this time because we saw some Canadian Geese in the distance with goslings and we didn’t want Lucky to go and try to make friends. Geese are not the friendliest of creatures.

We found our way to a white sandy beach on a stream with running water and pebbles in the water. The ladies had mentioned to Bill that we could bring the dogs here to go swimming, just not on the main PEOPLE beach.

Now, not sure Joy has mentioned this up to now, but we had the only Lab that we knew of, that HATED water. She would go in up to her ankles and that was if she was desperate for a drink on a hot day. Today was fairly warm. 28C (82F). We started throwing sticks in the water for Sierra to go fetch.

First time our black lab has every played in the water!

Sierra loves the water, she always has. Well, out of the blue Lucky the Lab suddenly decides that looks like fun and she is in the water chasing after Sierra. We are in total shock. Sierra brought back the stick to Joy and Joy kept throwing it in a bit further and further. Bill took pictures the whole time. Lucky was right in there with Sierra. The only time Lucky chickened out was when Sierra had to swim to get the stick. Well Heck, Luckies legs were so long, she could probably walked to get the stick, but she back up and made Sierra do the work.

This game went on for quite awhile with both dogs having a blast and the proud parents totally amazed. We then walked our very wet happy dogs around some more hoping they would dry off a bit before we got back to the trailer.

Continuing to explore

As we continued to explore Magnolia Branch Wildlife Reserve, we were truly impressed with the size and how clean the whole place was. The campground was extremely well maintained.

We knew they had lots to offer,

 Campground Amenities

Here’s a list of our campground amenities:

• 3 Bathhouses with showers
• Laundry Room
• 4 Group Picnic Pavilions
• Fishing
• Hiking Trails
• Horse Riding Trails
• 10 Horse Stalls
• Volleyball Court
• Horseshoe Pit
• Canoes
• Kayaks
• Lakes
• Freshwater Creek
• Playground
• 2 Hour Tubing Trip
• Boat Landing
• Zip Line
• Water Blob
Joy was kind of excited when she heard about the horse back riding, unfortunately you had to bring your own
horse :(. lol

This incredible hidden gem

This incredible hidden gem of a campground offers 47 full amenity RV sites that include water, electric and sewer and 20 RV sites with water and electric hook ups. Magnolia Branch also has 15 tent camp sites with water and electric  as well as primitive camping.

We were here in April, we paid $25.00 a night for a MONSTER site with water, electric and sewer. We believe that on May 1st, the prices will go up $5.00 for a full Hook-up like we had. Below are the camping prices.  Click here for prices on other things.

RV Camping

$30 Full Hook-Up
$25 Water/Electric

$180 Full Hook-Up
$150 Water/Electric

$500 Full Hook-Up
$400 Water/Electric

Traditional Camping

Primitive Camping
Primitive camping (no hook-ups)
$10/daily + $1 per person

Improved Primitive Camping
$20/daily (up to 6 people)

We truly enjoyed Magnolia Branch Wildlife Reserve. If our internet had worked we would have happily stayed for longer. Unfortunately we barely got Extended and that was only on the first day.






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