Final summary of the past 6 months! Mid Oct 2017 to Early May 2018 Sitting here thinking back on the 25,000 klms we drove, the sights we saw, the people we met – the phrase that comes to mind is “It was a Hell of a Ride :))” This blog will be a Final summery
Mastodon Peak Hiking Trail in *JTNP March 4th, 2018 Mastodon Peak Hiking Trail was a 2.4 mile hiking trail which also took us to Mastodon Peak Mine. Bill, Joy, Tim and Terri were eager to explore this trail. The warning at the front entrance was a little intimidating when it asked people to report any
Joshua Tree A New Adventure Feb 27, 2018 Today was so amazing, we really can’t describe this trail in words. We just want to set it up by saying, Hidden Valley Trail was originally used by Cattle Rustlers to hide their stolen cattle while they changed the brands on the cattle. Then they would resell
Joshua Tree National Park, Calif Feb 23, 2018 Day 1 Joshua Tree National Park in California, IF AT ALL POSSIBLE YOU NEED MORE THAN A DAY TO FULLY APPRECIATE THIS PARK! We arrived in late afternoon on Feb 22, 2018 and decided to wait until the next day for our first visit to the park. We found